Central Data Center

National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD

Project Synopsis

The NIH Data Center, with approximately 365 servers and 18 terabytes of stored data, is essential to supporting the NIH mission of providing patient care and clinical research for approximately 6,000 inpatients and 100,000 outpatient visits annually. This 6,500 sf renovation relocated the existing NIH Data Center to the B2 level of the Building 10 Clinical Center. The completed project provided a computer suite, office space, ancillary support space and infrastructure upgrades to create an advanced technology suite to manage the Bethesda Campus’ data needs. Water tight construction was completed above the Data Center to serve as spill containment to protect critical equipment from any possible leaks. Supporting utility systems include redundant normal and emergency power systems (including a 2 meg 480 volt emergency generator), chilled water for cooling, and telecommunication cables for data transmission.

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