our projects

Roy Blunt NextGen Precision Health Building
University of Missouri, Columbia, MO

Wolfe Street Building North Wing
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD

Sheik Zayed Institute for Pediatric Surgical Innovation
Children’s National Medical Center, Washington, DC

Scaife Hall Pathology Labs
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA

Sirnaomics, Inc.
Germantown, MD

Krasnow Institute
George Mason University, Fairfax, VA

R.V. Truitt Laboratory
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Solomons, MD

Allergy and Infectious Disease Research Building
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD

Smithers Avanza
Gaithersburg, MD

Institute for Critical Technology & Applied Sciences
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA

Thomas E. Starzl Biomedical Science Tower
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA

Burnette Hall
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College, Richmond, VA

Suter Science Center
Eastern Mennonite University, Harrisonburg, VA

USDA Kearneysville Growth Chambers
Kearneysville, WV